Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them at the door! Made my husbands breakfast and gave him his meds. Now to get busy before I pick my Grandson up from school/  I will be happy when I can finally hang up my ferns and get the balcony cleaned ! Enjoy your day, whatever neck of the woods you are in!
Always changing my tablescape


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

News From The Homestead!

I suppose, when I write Homestead you automatically think of a frontier type home. Sprawling hills,  and  farm animals. In my case, not so much. Homestead, is the door I walk through inside our second story condo. Away from the traffic and crowds  that are near by. It's a warm and cozy feeling that envelops you the moment you step inside.  The smell of cinnamon, lilac and lemons. Coffee brewing and something good on the stove. Home is where your heart is! Homestead is where your life fills with those things that you love. Family, pets, cozy pillows, candles.  You can make any place a home if your heart is in it!
These are pics of the condo when we first moved in. Thought, I would share!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Merry Christmas Time!

Oh how I love this time of the year!  The sounds, smells and presents!  Who doesn't love presents?  This year, I decided to do my shopping on line! Between  Black Friday and Cyber Monday I was able to knock out most all my shopping!  You can't beat sitting in your pj's with a cup of hot coffee! Of course you miss the crowds, shoving and  the wonderful Christmas smells!  Who needs it? With so many wonderful candles out there you can have your very own! My personal favorite is Black Crow's Christmas Thyme!
We had a nice Christmas, despite the absence of my brother that had recently passed. I am just finishing this Christmas post, due to just not up to writing!  I did buy a flocked tree this year and love it! It makes me so happy!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Potato Soup and a Fall cold

It never fails that we both seem to catch a Fall cold! Yesterday was pretty much a blur but today I am feeling a little better I tackled the bathrooms and some laundry! Still pretty weak tho. Tonight I will make a simple Fall soup (potato) good for the gut! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe!

Potato Soup:

3-4 potato's diced
1 can chicken broth
chopped onion
chopped carrot (optional)
half and half
I add all these ingredient's  and cook till tender! Fill bowls and add cheese on top/ Serve with cornbread

Hugs from Nashville,


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fall thyme and a lost tin

 Fall is my favorite time of year!  When  the color of leaves change ! The bounty of apples, pumpkins  and hot soups! I also love to decorate the best at fall! Several years ago I bought a small spice tin with a bright orange pumpkin painted on it. Every year I would take it out and place

on my stove for decoration! Well. this year when I was decorating I could not find that tin anywhere! I was devastated! It was MISSING!! I was beside myself turning the house upside down every day to no avail! Then yesterday, I decided to tackle the drawers in my bedroom. There at the bottom of the drawer underneath a stack of old pictures lay my little tin!!! I could not tell you the JOY, I felt upon finding this little jewel ! I  put it in its proper place on back of the stove, where I will leave it! My sweet friend Doris Lutrell painted it and I got at her booth at the Americana Primitive Show about 25 years ago. It is one of those things that have special meaning only to me. Anyway, enough ramblings today! Have a blessed  and happy day!

 My little tin!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Catching up!

It's been a while since I have posted! So much going on in my life! My sweet Brother, Ricky passed away in July! I still can not believe he is gone. Not a week later and my cat of 14 years, Oscar passed! It has been difficult to lose them both and then we found out that my Husband will be partially blind! That was a HUGE blow for both of us.

I have decided that I  can not simply be sad the rest of my life so we just do the best we can and take it a day at a time!

I am glad the weather is getting cooler and a little crispy! I love fall days! I hope you all are doing well and sending blessings to you!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Decorate with what you like

Sweet girl with Early Blue textiles made by the lovely Alecia Maynard!
Early lighting!
Olde Red Buckets capture my heart
I love textiles!

I say this because I notice so many people take their decorating advice  from what others do in their homes!  Create a style that is all yours and yours alone. I often sell entire collections because I simply need a change.  I have held on to my buckets the longest but that may change tomorrow.  Decorate with what brings you happiness. Something, That makes your soul sing! If you like it packed full or just simple like me. I go through spurts of wanting more and then sell it all! haha

Enjoy life ! Dance Sing. Love and hugs



Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...