Monday, June 19, 2017

Jesus and Understanding

They say, the Lord doesn't give us more than we can take! First of all, who are THEY? It confuses me.  Lately, there has been a lot going on with my family! My brother, Ricky, has been very sick. He has talked with hospice as his future looks bleak. I am devastated! I still and always will believe in the power of Jesus, the Great Physician. I am sick as well and facing many challenges in my own life. My sister had a complete nervous breakdown!  And my husband is very sick.  Heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes.  Even typing all of this down it does not seem real to me.  So, what happens when everything falls apart? You can do either one or two things. 1: You can fall apart and let Satan take over or 2: You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and make it work. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!  Life happens. People get old. You can  not survive on pity and starvation.  When I started this entry I didn't finish but left a draft. But, I am sitting here now finishing it because I feel compelled that I may help someone out there.  I am not one to throw in the proverbial  towel as I dislike that way of thinking!  One thing that always helps me is helping others  Being my husband's caregiver I am constantly bombarded with home health, Dr.'s, physical therapist, etc. coming to my home, calling and it is all the time. But, hey that's ok/ My husband needs it! And I enjoy a person to talk to!  So, talking to someone helps. I have a few very good friends I can call. And I am thankful for that.  Tonight, I am in excruciating pain. I am used to it but do not like it! At all.  What can I do? I can pray. It helps. I can put pain medication on the area that hurts. A heating pad. Endless thoughts fill my mind. The point I am making is that somehow my primitive blog has turned into a sick blog!     Haha! I know that it will work out as God intends for it to. It always does!

I am thankful that I am a believer. That I know that God will see me through anything that comes my way! That I truly am blessed. That I am a crazy 62 year old GIRL.!! That writes poetry, that loves cats, that gets down on the floor and plays with my Grandson's! I will never grow old mentally because the GIRL still lives inside me. So, search for your inner girl! And I still love Old Red Buckets and Old Books. And, you get the picture.

Many blessings.


- I Peter 1:6 - Jeremiah 17:7


Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...