Saturday, January 30, 2016


One thing most people know about me is that I struggle daily with Systemic Lupus and Fibromyalgia! It is a very painful autoimmune disease that destroys your Heart, kidneys, lungs. you get the picture/ With the constant inflammation and pain, life can certainly be a challenge and a struggle/  But, I honestly can not complain. I have lived for 20 years with it  people used to die within 5 years of being diagnosed! Some of the things that help me manage my Lupus are these.

1. Prayer and a close relationship with God

2. Avoid Conflict and mean people

3. Eat healthy foods

4. Get a good Rheumatologist

5. Take your medicine

6. Find a hobby you love

7. Help others

8. Be happy with what you have

9. Take care of your body

10. Family support and a good friend

 So, Remember that God is in control! Of all situations/  When I walk the floors at night I am reminded. 
 Old and wonderful

 I love wildlife!
Blessings to all,

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Buckets with holes in them!!!

Are you crazy? Do you ever hear those words when buying primitives? For the NON Primitive people a bucket with a hole in it  is simply that. A bucket with a hole. But, for the primitive lover it's age and timeless beauty of a wonderful FIND is a very fine thing!
They have meaning. It's not just the wearing of age but the beauty of it's story! And I love a good story. So before you pass up that old red bucket with peeling paint and falling apart, think how good that will look in your home.



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Winter Days

There is something to be said about cold winter days. They can either be warm and cozy or sad and depressing! I think most of you know what I mean. I am so busy with everything I rarely have time to dwell on anything bad. I don't like to do that anyway. I do enjoy moving smalls around as my furniture moving days are over. I often think about it/ haha I wish LLoyd felt ;like getting out but he just doesn't! Not very often. It's hard watching my big burly man's man not be able to do the things he used to. Many days he sits in his chair with his favorite blanket and cat. I am so thankful God has given us this time to spend together even under these circumstances. Getting old is hard. For those people lucky enough to have good health Mazel Tov to you!  Make the most of every day. Kiss those you love and hug their necks. Help others.  Go out and get a cat or a dog. I am in love with my babies! They make bad days good. haha
I love this pic of LLoyd and Max/ He just took up with LLoyd since I got him and he makes him smile so big!  So, enjoy the weather if it makes you happy! If not then your out of luck till spring!

Many Blessings,



Sunday, January 24, 2016

The snow of 2016

The last few days it has been a winter wonderland here in Tennessee. I rather have enjoyed being cooped up inside with Lloyd and the cats. I made homemade soup and bread/ Homemade hot chocolate! Decorated , watched lot's of House Hunters! Played with the cats. Not bad for snow days! I am hoping to get out tomorrow and run errands! We shall see. I could get out today but it is just too cold/ It's nice having candles lit. a warm pot of soup on the stove and  snow on the  ground.  I hope where ever you are that you are safe and happy. May God bless you all.



Sweet Lloyd and his best buddy Max!

Snow and hot chocolate!

Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...