Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe it is a brand new year! It's been a busy one here at the Casa Fry!  Christmas was wonderful and enjoyed every minute of it!

My sweet husband recently had surgery on his eye and is recovering nicely! January seems dark and cold and I long for the spring! Blooming flowers and birds singing! Brings sheer joy to my heart! 

Just enjoy the month of January~  Chase away the blues and make your life happy/ I made a list of 10 things to help"

1. Light candles and create a warm ambiance

2. Keep lots of blankets handy for those cold wintery days

3. Have some hot chocolate/

4.  Feed the birds/ Very important this time of the year!

5. Buy  a coloring book/ They are so much fun. Great way to spend an afternoon

6.Cook some hearty meals/ Big pots of soup /Good for you and warms your innards

7. Keep your lamps on for added light! It creates a  cozy atmosphere/ yes during the day

8. Watch a good movie and pop some corn!

9. Take a brisk walk/

10. Enjoy the winter! Before long it will be gone. Make it a cozy month!

Love and Blessings.

From our house to yours!

Love Old Bibles

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