Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Day 6 Hospital Stay

There isn't a day that goes by that I am not scared.  There isn't a day that I don't worry about my husband with all of his health problems and now renal failure! It is a constant battle of sorts. You get up. Make the coffee. Go about the day and you pray!  You pray for more days together.  And you wait.  It is not easy getting old. We are not even that old. Early sixties but still. I am not sure why when your in a fragile state, people want to tell you bad stories of how their husband died of something similar/  That is the last thing I want to hear at this moment.  Just let me be. Let me be quiet and talk with Jesus. Let me be at peace with myself. I will not feel sorry for us and I will not  sink into depression.  I will pray to have my husband longer and that they can fix him.  When I get to this point, I can only be quiet and allow the Holy spirit to guide me. So, for now, I will be quiet in my sadness. And if you get a chance pray for Lloyd. And me.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

LLoyd's hospital stay!

After Lloyd's birthday, he just wasn't feeling well.  His legs were swollen and he was miserable. I made him an appointment with Dr. Spisak and after examining him he sent us straight to the hospital. They admitted him later that day as everything was out of whack.  I hated to leave him there but he had to get well. HAS! Because 2 days later he is still there The Dr. said he may come home tomorrow which is a blessing!  At the same time Ricky, my brother was also hospitalized across town. When things like this happen, you just have to pray extra hard, that the Lord will give you the strength to get through it! I did go and pick up the boys from school yesterday and Nick is still here but Joseph went home. I am so thankful for those rascals as they distract me from my sad thoughts that sometimes get into my head.

I hope you are all doing well and sending blessings your way! If you so incline send a prayer our way! Thank you!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What is normal anyway?

Do you ever wonder why our lives change the way they do? It's a day to day battle.  With me I woke up one morning on 1995 and couldn't stand on my own 2 legs. It was awful/ I was diagnosed with Lupus. I have mentioned this before. It's been a battle ever since. Good days. bad days. Days of extreme pain. Days of tolerable pain.  But, nothing could compare to my big strapping husband that always took care of me, to suddenly get sick. Really sick. Had to retire far too early. His life just a day at a time.  Talk about a change. The worry sets in. Regardless of what the preacher says, worrying is not trusting the Lord. I say ridiculous. Worry  about losing him. Losing my life.  Can I handle what comes my way? Will I go first?  Crazy isn't it? I turned around and I was 62! He is 64!  Oh people say we are still young. Maybe. But when your health is shirked underneath you and you need a strong shoulder.  Maybe you will be the strong shoulder! I do everything. I take care of my man just as I said that I would.  Even though I am   ill and have bad health. You do what you can to help each other. I gather my strength from God! I know that no matter what, God is always there/  I have a lot of friends my age with sick husbands. Some are sick themselves. A lot of people come to me for advice. I am nnot sure why but I am a good listener.  The point I am making is Life is so precious. Enjoy it. It is going to change it always does. Good, bad or indifferent. It is how you handle it that makes you stronger.
Are you going to sit around, wring your hands and feel sorry for yourself? Or you gonna get up and Praise the Lord for your life. For your blessings.
Make good choices. Be KIND to one another like my hero Ellen DeGeneres! So kind and loving. We should all learn from her.
Whatever changes you are going through. If you just look in the right direction I promise it will give you the peace that you need.

Much love,


Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...