Monday, May 8, 2017

The birds

Every year without fail, I purchase 2 Boston Ferns for our balcony! And every year without fail I see with my own eyes the same birds, building a nest. Busying herself , picking the perfect twigs for her little nest. Her mate always standing guard, singing in unison. I can not tell you how absolutely happy this makes me! Singing birds thrill my soul!

Last week dark clouds formed outside and I decided to set the ferns down until the awful storm had passed. As I watched the storm I saw the Mother bird fly up to the balcony and I could see that she was shocked that her babies had been moved. Seconds later her mate flew up and suddenly swooped downward, I imagine looking for the nest. They looked panicked. So, I went out on the balcony and lifted the ferns back onto the chains that hold them up high.  It was only minutes when the birds were back and she was on her nest!  I was so thankful because I would never do anything to disturb those sweet birds.

We can learn so much from nature if we only sit and watch. Learn and listen.

Blessings,  Candi

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