Wednesday, October 19, 2016

May the Best Man Win

Early treen
 I made a pie!! haha
Just finished watching this #debate and oh my! I already know who I am voting for anyway, but this is certainly a colorful debate to say the least! Enough of that.

 Some pictures to make you smile:
Have a blessed evening!
My cat Henry!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday's and chores

Good afternoon lovies! I  trust you are having a marvelous day thus far
 Old trencher and scoop 
! The weekend is over and time to contemplate the never ending chore of cleaning house! Scrubbing tubs. toilets and mopping floors. It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it! I also put a pot of pinto beans for supper in the crockpot. They smell great cooking.  Well, my lunch break is over so have to get some rugs out of the washer and finish my vacuuming~

Enjoy your Monday whatever you are doing and take care until next time.



Saturday, October 15, 2016

Happy Weekend

Love these great dolls
I hope everyone is having a terrific weekend, thus far~ It is so pretty here in Tennessee and still very warm~  I hope it gets cooler soon.

I just love fall and pumpkins so much! Here are a few pics from this year/ Will take more later! I think a nap is in order for today!

Enjoy fall in your neck of the woods!

 This year.

I love putka pods and this old measure

 Early red paint

Thursday, October 13, 2016

My first Soup of the fall!

I decided since the weather was a tad cooler and the leaves were falling it would be a great day to make a big pot of delicious corn chowder!  It's fall and I love it best! As, I scrubbed and chopped my vegetables, I opened the windows to let the fresh air in and the kitties could enjoy visiting their bird friends! Lloyd was feeling pretty good and he was watching tv in his comfy chair! I feel happy. Serene and  happy.

  Here is the recipe if you  would like it!!


Chopped potatoes and carrots/ I use about 4 of each

2 cans low sodium chicken broth

1 can whole kernel corn drained or frozen corn/ Both are good/ 

After the vegetables are done/ I had half and half to make a creamy broth/ about 1/2 cup and some shredded cheese.

Simmer a bit.

After I add it in a bowl a sprinkle of cheese on top/

Corn bread or crusty bread is best.

Bon Appetite
Have an amazing fall evening. My Grandson's are coming later and I have a fun night of spooky kids movies/ Popcorn and sweet babies!
 Early textiles
Fall décor



Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A day in my life

 My sweet LLoyd!
Today started out like any other normal day. I had coffee and waffles. I was sitting here checking my messages when LLoyd came  stumbling in. His blood sugar had dropped and he was in danger, I went into caregiving mode and grabbed the orange juice as to bring his sugar back up! He was sweating profusely and I went and grabbed a fresh cloth and cold water and dabbed across his forehead and face.  I finally got him stabilized but was very scary!  I  feel blessed to be his caregiver. Because, I know that he could not do this had I not been here.  I rarely leave his side. I do get out every day for a few minutes either for groceries/ the Dr. myself or just to grab a coffee @ Starbucks and be able to feel alive.  Being sick myself makes it hard but I can do this. He tool care of me all these years and now I take care of him.  A real treat for me is going to Target. That makes me so happy! It's my place. My Happy place.  They have everything what's not to love. 

Today, I feel tired. My meds are wearing off and that is hard. In life you do what you can to get by. I love my husband and there is nothing I would not do for him.  If you are a caretaker, I find that a hobby helps/ Something for me is decorating and cleaning.  I immerse myself in it most times!
 One of my favorite!
 Afternoon Shadows
So, that is all I can muster today!  Soon, it will be lunch and have to prepare some tuna! Take care. Hug your family/ adopt a pet and take care of the environment! If you are a caretaker let me hear from you.


Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...