Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Thyme

As Christmas steadfastly approaches I get excited with absolute glee! I have always loved this time of year. I used to stay so busy the entire month going to every open house/party and mansion in Nashville! But, the last few years I have just been happy to enjoy the simplicity of shopping in the afternoon/ watching Christmas movies with the kids or just listening to my favorite Christmas songs. I plan to bake some cookies for friends/wrap my presents and  prepare the meal for Christmas Eve when my family visits. I know that for many, Christmas is difficult and sad. It breaks my heart to see people miss out on this very special time of the year. I can understand though, as our Christmas time has not been the same since my Mother passed away! We all kind of went our separate ways and my brother, Russ, passed away suddenly. I still get together with my brother Ricky and his wife Kim. Our daughter Tasha, Dave our Son in law and of course the boys! We have a blast on Christmas Eve with lots of food, opening presents and a game of Dirty Santa! On Christmas Day my husband's awesome family have a huge lunch and open presents. So, I am excited for the fun days ahead. Time to get this  day started. Maybe more coffee will do the trick.

Have a blessed and Happy Day,


Must try!
Old tin dough riser with greenery and one of my pin keeps
 Love my Tina Woltman Sampler

I collect Christmas pin tucks

Family Favorite: Buttermilk pie

Monday, November 7, 2016


Good morning everyone! As I slipped out of bed and made my way to the coffee pot my mind feels too slow this morning to think.  I have a Dr.'s  appointment and a busy day ahead.  I have been sick the last few days and all I really want to do is sleep. But after this coffee
   kicks in I have to get ready for my appointment.

Whatever you do today, remember to pray for the election tomorrow. I voted early and so glad I did.

Have a blessed start to your week.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

May the Best Man Win

Early treen
 I made a pie!! haha
Just finished watching this #debate and oh my! I already know who I am voting for anyway, but this is certainly a colorful debate to say the least! Enough of that.

 Some pictures to make you smile:
Have a blessed evening!
My cat Henry!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday's and chores

Good afternoon lovies! I  trust you are having a marvelous day thus far
 Old trencher and scoop 
! The weekend is over and time to contemplate the never ending chore of cleaning house! Scrubbing tubs. toilets and mopping floors. It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it! I also put a pot of pinto beans for supper in the crockpot. They smell great cooking.  Well, my lunch break is over so have to get some rugs out of the washer and finish my vacuuming~

Enjoy your Monday whatever you are doing and take care until next time.



Saturday, October 15, 2016

Happy Weekend

Love these great dolls
I hope everyone is having a terrific weekend, thus far~ It is so pretty here in Tennessee and still very warm~  I hope it gets cooler soon.

I just love fall and pumpkins so much! Here are a few pics from this year/ Will take more later! I think a nap is in order for today!

Enjoy fall in your neck of the woods!

 This year.

I love putka pods and this old measure

 Early red paint

Thursday, October 13, 2016

My first Soup of the fall!

I decided since the weather was a tad cooler and the leaves were falling it would be a great day to make a big pot of delicious corn chowder!  It's fall and I love it best! As, I scrubbed and chopped my vegetables, I opened the windows to let the fresh air in and the kitties could enjoy visiting their bird friends! Lloyd was feeling pretty good and he was watching tv in his comfy chair! I feel happy. Serene and  happy.

  Here is the recipe if you  would like it!!


Chopped potatoes and carrots/ I use about 4 of each

2 cans low sodium chicken broth

1 can whole kernel corn drained or frozen corn/ Both are good/ 

After the vegetables are done/ I had half and half to make a creamy broth/ about 1/2 cup and some shredded cheese.

Simmer a bit.

After I add it in a bowl a sprinkle of cheese on top/

Corn bread or crusty bread is best.

Bon Appetite
Have an amazing fall evening. My Grandson's are coming later and I have a fun night of spooky kids movies/ Popcorn and sweet babies!
 Early textiles
Fall décor



Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A day in my life

 My sweet LLoyd!
Today started out like any other normal day. I had coffee and waffles. I was sitting here checking my messages when LLoyd came  stumbling in. His blood sugar had dropped and he was in danger, I went into caregiving mode and grabbed the orange juice as to bring his sugar back up! He was sweating profusely and I went and grabbed a fresh cloth and cold water and dabbed across his forehead and face.  I finally got him stabilized but was very scary!  I  feel blessed to be his caregiver. Because, I know that he could not do this had I not been here.  I rarely leave his side. I do get out every day for a few minutes either for groceries/ the Dr. myself or just to grab a coffee @ Starbucks and be able to feel alive.  Being sick myself makes it hard but I can do this. He tool care of me all these years and now I take care of him.  A real treat for me is going to Target. That makes me so happy! It's my place. My Happy place.  They have everything what's not to love. 

Today, I feel tired. My meds are wearing off and that is hard. In life you do what you can to get by. I love my husband and there is nothing I would not do for him.  If you are a caretaker, I find that a hobby helps/ Something for me is decorating and cleaning.  I immerse myself in it most times!
 One of my favorite!
 Afternoon Shadows
So, that is all I can muster today!  Soon, it will be lunch and have to prepare some tuna! Take care. Hug your family/ adopt a pet and take care of the environment! If you are a caretaker let me hear from you.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Early Treen!
It has been a fun weekend with my little Grandson's! There have been movies and popcorn/ Toy guns and Lego's. How, I love spending time with the little dudes. They are growing so fast and keep me busy washing clothes and cooking all weekend.  I am a hand's on Nana and always involved in all their activities! 

So, soon they will be going home and the house will be quiet again !I am sure the cats will be happy. haha
That's a whole other blog for another day!
Have a wonderful week and enjoy each day.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I love the fall time of the year. The pumpkins. the falling leaves, cooler days and God's Glory shining through the evening sun!  I have always said (I come alive in the fall)! Simply, because I love this time of the year so much! We used to go to every festival and Gathering around. Now, with LLoyd's health not so much~

I just enjoy each day and thank God for his bountiful blessings!  Here are just a few pics I have taken around here. I don't put out nearly what I used to as I have sold much of it. We are in a smaller place now and I really don't have the energy anyway!

Blessings to all,



Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hello everyone! I hope things in your life are going well. The house is quiet this morning as I sip my coffee and plan my day! I usually have a strategy in mind as I have to pace myself  to get it all done. We had the boys all weekend and I have a lot of cleaning to do as little ones can be quite messy. haha

I miss the days when I could move furniture and switch an entire room around! I do love my old red buckets still, and even have a few outside of the mustard cabinet!

So, I guess I should get started as sitting here is getting nothing done

Have a blessed and Happy day my friends,


Thursday, April 28, 2016

So today I got the call I was suspecting I would get. It was from the Dermatologist that I had recently visited regarding a small place no bigger than a dime, that came about back in December. I thought it was a cat scratch as I get those quite often from my 3 furbabies! But, when it didn't go away, I had my PCP look at it and he said Oh, that's a basal cell carcinoma, you need to get that looked at as soon as possible!  So, that is how the phone call came about. So now, I wait to have the surgery to get this taken care of. Yes, it is scary. No, I am not that worried about it.  Certainly, any time you receive a Cancer diagnosis it is scary. The unknown. But, I know that it will be ok/
 Many blessings of hope,


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Last day to be 60!!! What~~~

Oh for heaven's sake age is just a number! And my number is 61! I am proud to  have lived this long. To be shamed for your age is something no one should ever do. To anyone. That being said I decided to stay up and ring in the old birthday! haha. Not with alcohol or drugs. Just LLoyd and my babies Oscar/Max and Henry! So here are 10 things I leave you with as I enter into my new number.

1. Celebrate your life everyday

2.  Treat yourself everyday. whether it be  a bubble bath/ iced mocha latte' or a boutique of tulips/ you deserve it

3. Love with all your whole heart

4. Everyone needs pets. adopt one today!

5. Do something for someone else

6. Drink lot's of coffee

7. Block and delete the haters/ no time for BS

8. Take care of yourself
My adorable baby Joe!

Daddy!! I miss you SO much! I was his little girl
9. Read poetry. Write a poem for someone.
 My baby! Nana's running mate

My precious angel baby! Love of my life
My senior kitty Oscar
10. Lastly, Be kind to everyone. It's hard as some people are  not easy. Try
My brother/ My best friend/ My go to
The baby Max!

My beauty/ my reason for living/ my bestie

There are so many  people I care about and love this just scratches the surface. My Mom. and brother that passed too young. My Aunt.

My best friend Martha that I tell my deepest darkest secrets too and she never judges me ever.

I am a blessed lady.

With that being said I am going to bed and will wake up 61. Tomorrow I will celebrate my 61 years here on earth/
That's my list for my last day of 60!
 My reason for living!

Edith and Oscar/ My Grandmother / My Strength

Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...