Thursday, October 26, 2017

Potato Soup and a Fall cold

It never fails that we both seem to catch a Fall cold! Yesterday was pretty much a blur but today I am feeling a little better I tackled the bathrooms and some laundry! Still pretty weak tho. Tonight I will make a simple Fall soup (potato) good for the gut! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe!

Potato Soup:

3-4 potato's diced
1 can chicken broth
chopped onion
chopped carrot (optional)
half and half
I add all these ingredient's  and cook till tender! Fill bowls and add cheese on top/ Serve with cornbread

Hugs from Nashville,


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fall thyme and a lost tin

 Fall is my favorite time of year!  When  the color of leaves change ! The bounty of apples, pumpkins  and hot soups! I also love to decorate the best at fall! Several years ago I bought a small spice tin with a bright orange pumpkin painted on it. Every year I would take it out and place

on my stove for decoration! Well. this year when I was decorating I could not find that tin anywhere! I was devastated! It was MISSING!! I was beside myself turning the house upside down every day to no avail! Then yesterday, I decided to tackle the drawers in my bedroom. There at the bottom of the drawer underneath a stack of old pictures lay my little tin!!! I could not tell you the JOY, I felt upon finding this little jewel ! I  put it in its proper place on back of the stove, where I will leave it! My sweet friend Doris Lutrell painted it and I got at her booth at the Americana Primitive Show about 25 years ago. It is one of those things that have special meaning only to me. Anyway, enough ramblings today! Have a blessed  and happy day!

 My little tin!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Catching up!

It's been a while since I have posted! So much going on in my life! My sweet Brother, Ricky passed away in July! I still can not believe he is gone. Not a week later and my cat of 14 years, Oscar passed! It has been difficult to lose them both and then we found out that my Husband will be partially blind! That was a HUGE blow for both of us.

I have decided that I  can not simply be sad the rest of my life so we just do the best we can and take it a day at a time!

I am glad the weather is getting cooler and a little crispy! I love fall days! I hope you all are doing well and sending blessings to you!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Decorate with what you like

Sweet girl with Early Blue textiles made by the lovely Alecia Maynard!
Early lighting!
Olde Red Buckets capture my heart
I love textiles!

I say this because I notice so many people take their decorating advice  from what others do in their homes!  Create a style that is all yours and yours alone. I often sell entire collections because I simply need a change.  I have held on to my buckets the longest but that may change tomorrow.  Decorate with what brings you happiness. Something, That makes your soul sing! If you like it packed full or just simple like me. I go through spurts of wanting more and then sell it all! haha

Enjoy life ! Dance Sing. Love and hugs



Sunday, July 2, 2017

Summer's here!

I have to admit I have a love hate relationship with Summer! I love the fresh vegetables and the roadside stands. Dislike the hot humid weather of Tennessee! I love the yard sales and birds chirping! I like the lighter clothing and sunshine! Dislike the mosquitos and other flying annoyances we have to deal with! I do however love the 4th of July! I am a patriotic  person by nature and really love decorating and celebrating this time of year!

Nashville has the biggest fireworks presentation every year and we used to never miss it! Now, that we are a mega city, we have opted for a smaller fireworks show at a local park than to fight the crowds! I do love it though where ever we go! I hope whatever you decide to do it will be wonderful and mostly Patriotic!

God Bless America,

Fresh tomatoes from the Amish!

I love old flags and Barns!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Jesus and Understanding

They say, the Lord doesn't give us more than we can take! First of all, who are THEY? It confuses me.  Lately, there has been a lot going on with my family! My brother, Ricky, has been very sick. He has talked with hospice as his future looks bleak. I am devastated! I still and always will believe in the power of Jesus, the Great Physician. I am sick as well and facing many challenges in my own life. My sister had a complete nervous breakdown!  And my husband is very sick.  Heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes.  Even typing all of this down it does not seem real to me.  So, what happens when everything falls apart? You can do either one or two things. 1: You can fall apart and let Satan take over or 2: You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and make it work. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!  Life happens. People get old. You can  not survive on pity and starvation.  When I started this entry I didn't finish but left a draft. But, I am sitting here now finishing it because I feel compelled that I may help someone out there.  I am not one to throw in the proverbial  towel as I dislike that way of thinking!  One thing that always helps me is helping others  Being my husband's caregiver I am constantly bombarded with home health, Dr.'s, physical therapist, etc. coming to my home, calling and it is all the time. But, hey that's ok/ My husband needs it! And I enjoy a person to talk to!  So, talking to someone helps. I have a few very good friends I can call. And I am thankful for that.  Tonight, I am in excruciating pain. I am used to it but do not like it! At all.  What can I do? I can pray. It helps. I can put pain medication on the area that hurts. A heating pad. Endless thoughts fill my mind. The point I am making is that somehow my primitive blog has turned into a sick blog!     Haha! I know that it will work out as God intends for it to. It always does!

I am thankful that I am a believer. That I know that God will see me through anything that comes my way! That I truly am blessed. That I am a crazy 62 year old GIRL.!! That writes poetry, that loves cats, that gets down on the floor and plays with my Grandson's! I will never grow old mentally because the GIRL still lives inside me. So, search for your inner girl! And I still love Old Red Buckets and Old Books. And, you get the picture.

Many blessings.


- I Peter 1:6 - Jeremiah 17:7


Monday, May 8, 2017

The birds

Every year without fail, I purchase 2 Boston Ferns for our balcony! And every year without fail I see with my own eyes the same birds, building a nest. Busying herself , picking the perfect twigs for her little nest. Her mate always standing guard, singing in unison. I can not tell you how absolutely happy this makes me! Singing birds thrill my soul!

Last week dark clouds formed outside and I decided to set the ferns down until the awful storm had passed. As I watched the storm I saw the Mother bird fly up to the balcony and I could see that she was shocked that her babies had been moved. Seconds later her mate flew up and suddenly swooped downward, I imagine looking for the nest. They looked panicked. So, I went out on the balcony and lifted the ferns back onto the chains that hold them up high.  It was only minutes when the birds were back and she was on her nest!  I was so thankful because I would never do anything to disturb those sweet birds.

We can learn so much from nature if we only sit and watch. Learn and listen.

Blessings,  Candi

Sunday, May 7, 2017


 So, I went to my Rheumatologist and to my PCP last week. My Rheumatologist that I adore, looks at me with sad eyes, " You really have to get off this Prednisone. You WILL end up in a wheel chair" Your bones will start breaking!! You already have 3 fractures in your back 3!! I know Doc. He didn't give me the opportunity to say Hey Doc I am down to 8 aren't you proud??As he told me that I HAD to take it slowly or suffer the consequences. I wanted to cry. I couldn't but I felt the damn lump in my throat! So, sadly I left. Thinking I had yet again disappointed my Dr.  But, I can look at him and see the worry in his eyes. Do they know something I don't??

Doctor #2 my PCP. Early in the morning at 7:30 I am the first patient. I go back and we talk. He checks me out/ goes over my labs and says, You have a ruptured meniscus and need surgery, I will schedule an MRI!! What?? You are kidding me Doc right? No, I am afraid I am not. WOW! How many blows can I take in a week? Ok whatever you say Doc! Then he explains to me about how his friend age 52/ 10 years younger than me, died from prednisone. That every bone in her body had broken and she was just a hollowed out tree more or less!! WTH!!!!I wish he had not told me that!!!

 Doctor of Life #3 /My voice of Reason: Martha: I talked to her today. We have been best buds over 25 years. She says to me,  You CAN be healed!!   Leave your health in HIS hands and not the Dr.'s! First thing that made sense to me. God the creator, the healer of the sick will I be ok God? Will I? I had always thought because some dumb preacher told me that God causes these things to happen to make you  closer to him?? Martha, says never is sickness and pain of GOD! Those are of the devil! Boy, was I fooled? I have been fooled a lot in my lifetime. But, I know my precious Martha would never deceive me, like some preacher would.  They make you feel good by  not telling the truth always. I am scared. I don't want all my bones to start breaking. I don't want to end up in a wheelchair either. How can you not worry??  So this is my prayer:


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Day 6 Hospital Stay

There isn't a day that goes by that I am not scared.  There isn't a day that I don't worry about my husband with all of his health problems and now renal failure! It is a constant battle of sorts. You get up. Make the coffee. Go about the day and you pray!  You pray for more days together.  And you wait.  It is not easy getting old. We are not even that old. Early sixties but still. I am not sure why when your in a fragile state, people want to tell you bad stories of how their husband died of something similar/  That is the last thing I want to hear at this moment.  Just let me be. Let me be quiet and talk with Jesus. Let me be at peace with myself. I will not feel sorry for us and I will not  sink into depression.  I will pray to have my husband longer and that they can fix him.  When I get to this point, I can only be quiet and allow the Holy spirit to guide me. So, for now, I will be quiet in my sadness. And if you get a chance pray for Lloyd. And me.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

LLoyd's hospital stay!

After Lloyd's birthday, he just wasn't feeling well.  His legs were swollen and he was miserable. I made him an appointment with Dr. Spisak and after examining him he sent us straight to the hospital. They admitted him later that day as everything was out of whack.  I hated to leave him there but he had to get well. HAS! Because 2 days later he is still there The Dr. said he may come home tomorrow which is a blessing!  At the same time Ricky, my brother was also hospitalized across town. When things like this happen, you just have to pray extra hard, that the Lord will give you the strength to get through it! I did go and pick up the boys from school yesterday and Nick is still here but Joseph went home. I am so thankful for those rascals as they distract me from my sad thoughts that sometimes get into my head.

I hope you are all doing well and sending blessings your way! If you so incline send a prayer our way! Thank you!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What is normal anyway?

Do you ever wonder why our lives change the way they do? It's a day to day battle.  With me I woke up one morning on 1995 and couldn't stand on my own 2 legs. It was awful/ I was diagnosed with Lupus. I have mentioned this before. It's been a battle ever since. Good days. bad days. Days of extreme pain. Days of tolerable pain.  But, nothing could compare to my big strapping husband that always took care of me, to suddenly get sick. Really sick. Had to retire far too early. His life just a day at a time.  Talk about a change. The worry sets in. Regardless of what the preacher says, worrying is not trusting the Lord. I say ridiculous. Worry  about losing him. Losing my life.  Can I handle what comes my way? Will I go first?  Crazy isn't it? I turned around and I was 62! He is 64!  Oh people say we are still young. Maybe. But when your health is shirked underneath you and you need a strong shoulder.  Maybe you will be the strong shoulder! I do everything. I take care of my man just as I said that I would.  Even though I am   ill and have bad health. You do what you can to help each other. I gather my strength from God! I know that no matter what, God is always there/  I have a lot of friends my age with sick husbands. Some are sick themselves. A lot of people come to me for advice. I am nnot sure why but I am a good listener.  The point I am making is Life is so precious. Enjoy it. It is going to change it always does. Good, bad or indifferent. It is how you handle it that makes you stronger.
Are you going to sit around, wring your hands and feel sorry for yourself? Or you gonna get up and Praise the Lord for your life. For your blessings.
Make good choices. Be KIND to one another like my hero Ellen DeGeneres! So kind and loving. We should all learn from her.
Whatever changes you are going through. If you just look in the right direction I promise it will give you the peace that you need.

Much love,


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Friday and taper down

So, today I brace myself , as I begin to taper down on the evil prednisone. I guess I really should not call it evil because it has many great benefits as well. But, I also know that I will have a battle coming off of it.   I have been on it for exactly 21 years now to treat the inflammatory SLE( Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ) that I suffer with. I won't go into all the details of my illness, but I will say everyday is both a blessing and a hardship.  Right now, with my bone health being so poor and  coming down on the Prednisone plus my Vitamin D level so low, I feel very tired

Anyway, I am on my way, so blessings to  all!

ls of my illness

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


 Today I visited with my favorite Dr.! My Rheumatologist Dr. Glenn Douglas. A brilliant man that is serious when it comes to taking care of yourself.  I know this because I have been going there for many years and he has seen the long road that I have taken with my Lupus and Fibromyalgia. I have been on 10 mg of prednisone for a very long time.  Now, my sweet Dr. says I have to taper off because it is so bad for you.  At the moment I have 3 fractured bones in my back. No doubt that the evil prednisone has taken it's toll on my aging body!  I started taking it back in 1995 when I was diagnosed with SLE as my sed rate was at 98 and I could not function.  When Dr. John, put me on it I immediately felt better. I had energy I felt good. But, I looked like a pumpkin as my face was so round! It was awful. Not just round  but moon faced.  It changed my personality. It has terrible side effects even though it made me better. Life is strange. I always knew that my life would not be easy, I don't know why but I did. 

I have to say that despite the odds  I will give this a try and see that hopefully I can see some improvements.  I am not one to give up and I am a fighter!  So check back and I will update my progress!

Thank you Jesus.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Eye Surgery and Leftovers!

Today sweet Lloyd had his other operated on. He did very well and we are back home now. It was a long day but not bad! I was able to have lunch at the cafeteria and they had a Subway so that was good!  Diabetes is a bad illness and really affects the eyes!  At least it is over now and  he is resting comfortably in his chair!  I made a big lasagna yesterday so we had leftovers as I am too tired to cook.

I can not believe  soon that Jan. will be over.  We have had it mild here in Tenn. and I am looking forward to Spring! I love having a miniature garden on my balcony! I am a botanist and have a green thumb! I always have.  So very much looking forward to Spring!

Evening Sun!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe it is a brand new year! It's been a busy one here at the Casa Fry!  Christmas was wonderful and enjoyed every minute of it!

My sweet husband recently had surgery on his eye and is recovering nicely! January seems dark and cold and I long for the spring! Blooming flowers and birds singing! Brings sheer joy to my heart! 

Just enjoy the month of January~  Chase away the blues and make your life happy/ I made a list of 10 things to help"

1. Light candles and create a warm ambiance

2. Keep lots of blankets handy for those cold wintery days

3. Have some hot chocolate/

4.  Feed the birds/ Very important this time of the year!

5. Buy  a coloring book/ They are so much fun. Great way to spend an afternoon

6.Cook some hearty meals/ Big pots of soup /Good for you and warms your innards

7. Keep your lamps on for added light! It creates a  cozy atmosphere/ yes during the day

8. Watch a good movie and pop some corn!

9. Take a brisk walk/

10. Enjoy the winter! Before long it will be gone. Make it a cozy month!

Love and Blessings.

From our house to yours!

Love Old Bibles

Good morning

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Nashville! My little birds were anxiously waiting as I slipped into my house shoes and greeted them a...